Baltic Regional Investment Forum

September 12, 2024, Leningrad region, Ohta Park Resort
The key business event of the Leningrad region unites three parties - business, science and government - to discuss industrial policy, business support and development in the region.
Trends in the economy from leading Russian economists
Dialogue between business and government on localisation and business support measures
Exchange of business contacts and cooperation ties
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Who are interested in the forum?
Companies that are considering localisation in the region and want to know about support measures
Investors interested in a direct dialogue with the Leningrad Oblast authorities
Industrial companies in the region interested in the development of industry clusters and cooperation
Anyone looking for new business contacts for business development in the Leningrad region
Program BRIEF’23
Open dialog between business and government on measures to support and develop Russian industrial companies in the face of sanctions
Plenary session "Adaptation of Russian Industrial Companies to Sanctions: First Steps and Expectations"
Council on improving the investment climate in Leningrad region (by invitation)
The Business Contact Exchange
The opportunity to establish new contacts
The full programme
BRIEF'24 Speakers
All speakers
Organisers and partners forum
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