Baltic Regional Investment Forum

September 18, 2025
Results of BRIEF’24
Program BRIEF’24
Participant registration, welocome coffee
Open dialog between business and government. How the "Green Corridor for Investors" system helps to reduce the time frame for the implementation of investment projects in the Leningrad region
    Over the 2 years of operation of the Green Corridor for Investor investment project support system, the number of projects supported has increased from 35 to 121. As part of an open conversation, it is important to hear the opinion of business and discuss the experience of receiving assistance and preferences: how mechanisms are implemented in practice, what is in demand by companies, what are common problems, achievements and difficulties, how Work is under way in the region on the "Green Corridor for Investors" system.
Plenary session: "The transition of the economy from adaptation to growth"
Topics for discussion:
  • Drivers of growth of the Russian economy under external constraints: completion of the adaptation process and related structural shifts, exhaustion of growth based on adaptation models, the need to identify new long-term growth drivers, new niches for investment, priorities in long-term development.
  • New transport corridors: existing bottlenecks in the transport system, priority areas for the development of infrastructure projects that meet geopolitical and geo-economic interests.
Business contacts exchange, coffee break
    The business contacts exchange will be held in the format of personal meetings, during which suppliers of spare parts, components, materials, raw materials, equipment and solutions for industrial enterprises will be able to present their products and services
Meeting of the Council for Improving the investment climate in the Leningrad region.
Demographic crisis: what the government and business can do. Challenges and opportunities for the development of the territory
    The issues of attracting and retaining personnel in the Leningrad Region are a priority for the region's economy. Today, the registered unemployment rate in the region is 0.2%. At the same time, the need for employees at the enterprises of the region is 62.8 thousand people. Solutions include not only technical re-equipment of enterprises, automation of processes, increased productivity, cooperation with students, but also integrated urban development, including comprehensive infrastructure development
End of the forum's business program. Evening coffee break.
Youth day program
"Leningrad region: time to build a career in the region"
    An informal TED-style monologue. A 15-18-minute speech about the region's opportunities for youth career development. Demonstration of a video about the leading enterprises of the region and career development opportunities for young people. A question-and-answer session.
    Sakharova Yulia - Director for the Northwestern Region of HeadHunter

    Kamenetsky Stepan – Head of the Investment Project Support Department of the Leningrad Region Economic Development Agency

Interactive lectures from the production companies "Let's start with coffee", LLC "JACOBS DAU EGBERTS RUS"; "From ore to food", Volkhov branch of JSC "Apatit"
    Employees of the Jacobs company will tell you about the coffee (where and how coffee appeared, what types of coffee exist, where they grow and are produced, why coffee is useful, etc.), as well as about a modern coffee factory located in the Leningrad region, and what kind of coffee is produced there. Phosagro employees will talk about the production of mineral fertilizers and a plant located in the region and about building a career in the company. At the end of each company's presentation, a small quiz will be held with the awarding of prizes (products, merch companies)
    Melkumyants Elizaveta – Communications Manager of JACOBS DAU EGBERTS RUS LLC

    Krutov Artem – Executive Director of the Volkhov Branch of Apatit JSC

Master class "Marketing and promotion of industrial products"
    Master class on live video shooting on a mobile device
    Shaban Anton – senior lecturer at the Higher School of Industrial Management of the Institute of Industrial Management of Economics and Trade of SPbPU

    Smirnova Natalia – Assistant at the Higher School of Industrial Management

Workshop "Loss as a find: the basics of lean thinking"
    A short workshop on immersion in the topic of lean manufacturing, the concept of losses and process optimization
    Koryakova Lyubov - Business consultant, Head of the SMART D-vision agency.
Coffee break
Interactive event "Mentor's Day". Part 1
    An interactive event where the current business of the Leningrad region offers student teams problem areas for working through and forming a project. Students work on the task they have received under the guidance of an experienced mentor, a graduate of the Presidential Program. Part 1 - getting the task, generating ideas, forming the concept and roadmap of the project, preparing the presentation.
Coffee break
Interactive event "Mentor's Day". Part 2
    Part 2 - presentation of team projects, answers to entrepreneurs' questions, work of the entrepreneurial jury, evaluation, work of the counting commission and summing up, holding the award ceremony for the winners (first, second, third places)
    Graduates of the Presidential Management Training Program
    Entrepreneurs of the Leningrad region
    Heads of production enterprises